Low-protein diets for pigs, where are we going?
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Amino acids, Crude Protein, Growth Performance, Pigs
Objective: To update the trends with the advantages and disadvantages by using low-protein diets (LPD) for fattening pigs, as well as providing information on the direction of LPD in future research. Approach: Recent years have showed many great advantages by reducing dietary crude protein (CP) with free amino acids (AA) supplementation, and create a sustainable swine industry. Results: The PC reduction in diets for fattening pigs saves protein ingredients, decreases not only nitrogen excretion, but also feeding costs; without affecting growth performance compared to traditional diets. Implications: The good response by reducing the CP amount in pig diets is not unique; there are also unwanted effects to be considered. Therefore, the use of LPD for pigs needs further research to analyze the use of feed additives that may maintain the growth performance and/or to avoid their negative effects on pork. Conclusions: There are advantages and disadvantages feeding LPD for pigs; however, there is the need to study the issue focused on the reduction of feed cost and the protection of the environment from nitrogen excretion.