
Effectiveness of feed restriction to improve feed efficiency in finishing pigs

José Alfredo Martínez Aispuro, José Luis Figueroa Velasco, Manuel Martínez Aispuro, María Teresa Sánchez-Torres, José Luis Cordero Mora
Abstract 296 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0 | DOI

The contribution of herbal medicine in health problems of the indigenous community of Oaxaca, Mexico

Jessica Gesabel Méndez Cabrera, Óscar L. Figueroa-Rodríguez, Mercedes A. Jiménez-Velázquez, José L. Pimentel-Equihua, Jesús A. Cuevas-Sánchez
Abstract 227 | EARLY ACCESS 2 Downloads 0 | DOI

Sensitivity to fungicides of Botrytis cinérea (Pers.) isolated from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)

Candelario Ortega-Acosta, José Terrones-Salgado, Francisco J. Sánchez-Ruiz, Santo A. Ortega-Acosta, Francisco Palemón-Alberto, Nicolás Alvares-Acevedo
Abstract 271 | EARLY ACCESS 3 Downloads 0 | DOI

Hydroponic corn (Zea mays L.) fodder production through the implementation of mineral fertilization: a comparative study

César Chiquito Contreras, Eliezer Cocoletzi Vásquez, Jorge Ricaño Rodríguez
Abstract 385 | EARLY ACCESS 5 Downloads 0 | DOI

Acclimation of Agave potatorum Zucc. micropropagated plants

Gisela-Virginia Campos-Angeles, Alcara-Vasquez, Enriquez-del Valle, Rodríguez-Ortiz Gerardo, Velasco-Velasco Visente Arturo
Abstract 211 | EARLY ACCESS 6 Downloads 0 | DOI

Lamb feeding preference for maize, bean, and broad bean stubble treated with silage effluent, urea-molasses, or phosphoric acid

Alfredo Parraguirre Espinosa, Juan de Dios Guerrero - Rodríguez, María Magdalena Crosby Galván, David Hernández Sánchez, Gustavo Ramírez Valverde
Abstract 405 | EARLY ACCESS 8 Downloads 0 | DOI

Competitiveness of Mexican vanilla (Vanilla spp.) in the international market

Omar Peña Sosa , Juan Manuel Aguirre López, J. Jesús Ramírez Tinoco, Samuel RIVERA LOPEZ
Abstract 311 | EARLY ACCESS 9 Downloads 0 | DOI

Characterization of native Ya´ax ik chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in the Yucatan Peninsula

crescencio de la Cruz Castillo-Aguilar, JOANY MARIEL REYES-EK, SAN GERMAN BAUTISTA-PARRA, Ricardo Antonio Chiquini-Medina
Abstract 219 | EARLY ACCESS 11 Downloads 0 | DOI

In vitro nutritional assessment and estimation of methane emissions from Kikuyu grass pastures overseeded with rye

María N. Marín-Santana, Felipe López-González, Ernesto Morales-Almaraz, Carlos Manuel Arriaga-Jordán
Abstract 159 | EARLY ACCESS 12 Downloads 0 | DOI

Identification of fungal disease in a Vanilla planifolia Jacks plantation in the central zone of the state of Veracruz, Mexico

Clara Córdova-Nieto, Norma Flores-Estévez, Lourdes G. Iglesias-Andreu, Greta H. Rosas-Saito, Alejandro Alonso-López, Juan Carlos Noa-Carrazana
Abstract 374 | EARLY ACCESS 13 Downloads 0 | DOI

Analysis of the structure of the global avocado (Persea americana Mill) trade network

Juan Manuel Aguirre-López, Omar Peña-Sosa, Valeria Magallanes-Prado, Juan Salvador Jiménez-Carrasco
Abstract 446 | EARLY ACCESS 14 Downloads 0 | DOI

The effect of the Stevia rebaudiana Morita II on the warts caused by fowl pox in Meleagris gallopavo as model study

JOSE HUMBERTO CAAMAL VELAZQUEZ, José E. Ramírez-Benítez , Jorge A. Itza Can , Ileana E. Carrillo-Segura, Angel V. Domínguez-May
Abstract 212 | EARLY ACCESS 15 Downloads 0 | DOI

Acute toxicity induced by treated sewage to zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Kevin O. Ponce-Palomera, Saúl R. Guerrero-Galván, Leonardo Martínez Cardenas, Fernando Vega-Villasante, Aurora E. Rojas-García, Daniel Badillo-Zapata
Abstract 294 | EARLY ACCESS 17 Downloads 0 | DOI

Fungi diversity in roots of Guarianthe skinneri in urban condition: velamen versus cortex

Jorge José Ochoa-Bonilla, Vincenzo Bertolini, Eugenia Zarza
Abstract 195 | EARLY ACCESS 18 Downloads 0 | DOI


State of poeciliid fishes in the international market

Marcos Hernández-López, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso, María R. Castañeda-Chavez, Jesus Montoya-Mendoza, Olaya P. Castellanos-Onorio, Mario Diaz-Gonzalez, Leonardo Martínez Cardenas
Abstract 290 | EARLY ACCESS 16 Downloads 0 | DOI