Assessment of sustainability attributes of traditional and conventional maize cultivation in farmer agricultural systems


Obdulia Solano Albino
Artemio López Ríos


farmer systems, MESMIS, sustainability, agroecology.


Objective: To carry out a comparative analysis of the sustainability of traditional and conventional maize cultivation systems in Cuanacaxtitlán.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The proposal was implemented through a mixed method approach in which a qualitative research predominated. A sustainability assessment for the 23 farmer systems of maize production in Cuanacaxtitlán was carried out, according to the Indicator-Based Sustainability Assessment Framework (Marco para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad: MESMIS).

Results: The sustainability level between the two types of agroecosystems does not differ much. According to the chosen indicators, TMS is more sustainable in the environmental and economic aspect, while CMS is more sustainable in the social aspect. The average profitability of TMS is better as a result of the milpa profits.

Study Limitations/Implications: Family Production Units (FPUs) do not own their lands, which limits the improvement of profitability and sustainability in maize production. To this end, land distribution or support programs for landless farmers is important.

Findings/Conclusions: Among the 23 systems under analysis, critical values were obtained for two environmental indicators: fertilizer application and pesticide use. Therefore, improving the use of these inputs is an important task.

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