Effect of two enzyme systems on the removal of mucilage from coffee cherry beans (Coffea arabica L.)


Adriana Contreras-Oliva
Luis A. Castillo-González
Diana P. Uscanga-Sosa
Juan Salazar-Ortiz
Juan V. Hidalgo-Contreras
José A. Herrera-Corredor
Josafhat Salinas Ruiz


Degumming process, pectinase, cellulase, hemicellulase, fermentation time


Objective: To evaluate and compare the percentage of mucilage removal from coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in pulping using two enzyme systems, Celuzyme and Macerex PM.

Design/methodology/approach: Seven treatments combinations were evaluated (type of enzyme and concentration level, plus a control) at 30 min intervals for 3 h. The experimental unit was 0.2 kg of pulped coffee.

Results: Results showed when using these enzyme systems (Macerex PM and Celuzyme) the percentage of mucilage removal increased and time was significantly reduced by 3 to 4 h compared to the natural fermentation time of 15 to 20 h.

Limitations on study/implications: Effect of two enzyme systems, Macerex PM and Celuzyme, at different concentrations (mg L-1).

Findings/conclusions: The Macerex PM and Celuzyme enzyme systems showed 95% and 84.5% removed mucilage compared to 35% of the control

Abstract 578 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0

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