In vitro nutritional assessment and estimation of methane emissions from Kikuyu grass pastures overseeded with rye


María N. Marín-Santana
Felipe López-González
Ernesto Morales-Almaraz
Carlos Manuel Arriaga-Jordán


Kikuyu grass, rye, gas production, methane.


Objective: To determine the in vitro digestibility and gas production, and to estimate the methane emissions from Kikuyu grass pastures, and Kikuyu grass overseeded with rye.

Design/methodology/approach: Two pastures were assessed. One was the subtropical grass Kikuyu Cenchrus clandestinus) (KY), and the other was Kikuyu grass plus overseeding with rye  (Secale cereale) (KYCEN), both associated with white clover (Trifolium repens cv. Ladino). Sample collection was in June and July 2021. In vitro digestibility of dry matter (MS), organic matter (MO), and Neutral Detergent Fibre (FDN), as well as the methane emissions were estimated. The in vitro digestibility and gas production variables were analysed with a split-plot experimental design, and the methane emission variables were analysed with a doble cross-over design.

Results: There were no significant differences between treatments for dry matter (MS), organic matter (MO) or Neutral Detergent Fibre (FDN) in vitro digestibility, nor in methane emissions (P>0.05).

Limitations on study/implications: The in vitro assessment of digestibility, gas production and the estimation of methane emissions of Kikuyu grass pastures and Kikuyu plus rye enable the implementation of feeding strategies for small-scale livestock production systems that do not only benefit the farmers but also the environment.

Findings/conclusions: It is concluded that Kikuyu grass pastures and Kikuyu with rye are a viable feeding option for small-scale dairy systems.


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