
Regionalization of the artisan fisheries in Baja California Sur, Mexico using the social criteria of the fishing cooperatives

L. D. Magadán-Revelo , M. J. Escalona-Maurice, Y. M. Fernández-Ordóñez , A. Aguilar-Ibarra
Abstract 433 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0 | DOI

Production and competitiveness of Mexican floriculture

Alejandra Cristina Estrada Elvires, José Maria Contreras-Castillo, Ramón Valdivia-Alcalá
Abstract 520 | EARLY ACCESS 2 Downloads 0 | DOI

New findings in the searching of an optimal diet for the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum: protein levels

I. Manjarrez-Alcívar, Fernando Vega-Villasante, Cynthia E. Montoya-Martínez, Erick F. López-Félix, Daniel Badillo, Leonardo Martínez-Cárdenas
Abstract 938 | EARLY ACCESS 3 Downloads 0 | DOI

Limitations for the production of creole pork in the cooperative sector of eastern Cuba

DIXAN POZO LEYVA, Felipe López-González, Alfonso Chay-Canul, Yusmila Pérez-Álvarez
Abstract 316 | EARLY ACCESS 4 Downloads 0 | DOI

Edible insect harvest in Pinos, Zacatecas, Mexico

J.A. Briones-Santoyo, L.A. Tarango-Arámbula, A. Velázquez-Martínez, V.J. Reyes-Hernández, M.A. Salazar-Borunda
Abstract 1155 | EARLY ACCESS 5 Downloads 0 | DOI

Goat milk production in Guanajuato, Mexico: Coordination mechanisms established in the agri-food chain

Rodolfo Santos Lavalle, Juan José Flores Verduzco, Genaro Olmos Oropeza , Elizabeth Roldán Suárez , Asael Islas Moreno
Abstract 302 | EARLY ACCESS 6 Downloads 0 | DOI

Seasonal abundance of waterfowl for hunting in the southern portion of the Malaga wetland, Durango, Mexico

Manuel Armando Salazar Borunda, Martin Emilio Pereda Solis, Luis Antonio Tarango Arámbula, Andrea Vargas Duarte, Ernesto Peredo Rivera, José Hugo Martínez Guerrero
Abstract 316 | EARLY ACCESS 7 Downloads 0 | DOI

Effect of different stocking densities in juveniles of American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus, Crocodilia, Crocodylidae) in captivity

CARLOS ALFONSO ALVAREZ-GONZALEZ, Leonardo Martinez-Cárdenas, José L. Torres-Aguilar, Daniel Espinosa-Chaurand, Andrés E. León-Fernández, Itzel Galaviz-Villa, Francisco Hernández-Vázquez, Sergio G. Castillo-Vargasmachuca, Carlos A. Álvarez-González
Abstract 387 | EARLY ACCESS 8 Downloads 0 | DOI

Provision of urban amenities and public works analysis in the City of Chihuahua, Mexico

Luis Enrique Quintana-Pérez, Silvia Amanda García Muñoz, Arwell Nathan Leyva Chávez, Francisco Javier Piña Ramírez, Damian Aaron Porras Flores, Anabel ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ
Abstract 322 | EARLY ACCESS 9 Downloads 0 | DOI

Prediction of weaning weight of grazing beef by machine learning

Aurelio Guevara-Escobar, Mónica Cervantes-Jiménez, Vicente Lemus-Ramírez, Adolfo Kunio-Yabuta-Osorio, José G. García-Muñiz
Abstract 296 | EARLY ACCESS 10 Downloads 0 | DOI

Bat community structure in the Tabasco Plain wetlands

Juan de Dios Valdez Leal, Eddy Sebastián Hernández Morales, Coral Jazvel Pacheco Figueroa, Francisco Javier Hernández Sánchez, Eduardo Javier Moguel Ordoñez
Abstract 442 | EARLY ACCESS 11 Downloads 0 | DOI

Cow milk production cost in a semi-specialized system in the mountainous region of Veracruz, Mexico

Raymundo Salvador Gudiño-Escandón, Nery Michael Loyo-Soberanes, José Alfredo Villagómez-Cortés
Abstract 357 | EARLY ACCESS 12 Downloads 0 | DOI

Insects an alternative for sustainable production in Mexico

Claudio Romero-Díaz, Saúl Ugalde-Lezama, Luis A. Tarango-Arámbula , Eduardo Valdés-Velarde
Abstract 436 | EARLY ACCESS 13 Downloads 0 | DOI

Zoonotic parasite frequency in homebound and feral dogs in Texcoco, State of Mexico, Mexico

José Salcedo-Jiménez, Evangelina Romero-Callejas, Evaristo Álvaro Barragán-Hernández , Juan José Pérez-Rivero
Abstract 347 | EARLY ACCESS 14 Downloads 0 | DOI

Development of an application for the differentiation of the genus of Baird’s sparrow (Centronyx bairdii) based on an artificial neural network

Francisco García Fernandez, José Hugo Martínez Guerrero, Manuel Armando Salazar Borunda, Daniel Sierra Franco, Martin Emilio Pereda Solis, Luis Antonio Tarango Arámbula
Abstract 287 | EARLY ACCESS 15 Downloads 0 | DOI

Economic impact of porcine epidemic diarrhea in Mexico

Jovani Amador-Cruz, Francisco Ernesto Martínez-Castañeda, María Elena Trujillo-Ortega
Abstract 290 | EARLY ACCESS 16 Downloads 0 | DOI

Perception of ranchers about the predator attack insurance in the Calakmul region, Campeche, Mexico

Gabriela Méndez-Saint Martin, Fernando M. Contreras-Moreno, David E. Simá-Pantí, Ismael Cruz, Lizardo Cruz-Romo
Abstract 358 | EARLY ACCESS 17 Downloads 0 | DOI

Goat kid meat in the formulation of Vienna-type sausage

Alondra Valadez-Pineda , Jocelyn Cyan López-Puga, Daniela Saraí Rico-Costilla , Alejandro Isabel Luna-Maldonado, Carlos Alberto Hernández-Martínez, Emmanuel Flores-Girón, Ana Luisa Rentería-Monterrubio, Gerardo Méndez-Zamora
Abstract 483 | EARLY ACCESS 18 Downloads 0 | DOI