Bat community structure in the Tabasco Plain wetlands


Juan de Dios Valdez Leal
Eddy Sebastián Hernández Morales
Coral Jazvel Pacheco Figueroa
Francisco Javier Hernández Sánchez
Eduardo Javier Moguel Ordoñez


Abundance, diversity, chiropteran, wetlands.


Objective: To describe the diversity of bat communities in two types of wetlands in the coastal region of the Tabasco Plain.

Methodology: Sampling was carried out at two different times of the year (dry and wet seasons) for three consecutive years, considering two types of vegetation (mangrove and popal-tular). The samples were collected during 3 effective days (6 h periods with 30 min monitoring intervals) per station, using mist nets.

Results: A total of 510 individuals belonging to 22 species of six families were recorded; the phyllostomid bats were the most diverse and abundant. The Artibeus jamaicensis, Noctilio leporinus, and Glossophaga soricina species were the most representative. The vegetation with the greatest diversity was the mangrove with 18 species, while 12 species were found in the popal-tular areas. The diversity of order 1 indicates that the mangrove has 0.78 more diversity than the popal-tular. Seven food guilds were present, including the dominant frugivorous animals. Only three species fall within a protection category, according to NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010; they comprise 12% of the protected species in the state of Tabasco, Mexico.

Implications: In order to determine their diversity and abundance —and ultimately to develop base information—, communities in the wetlands must be evaluated.

Conclusions: The mangroves host the greatest diversity and abundance of bats to which they provide shelter and food. Therefore, they are considered crucial for their conservation and, overall, they are important habitats for this group

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