
Digestibility of a diet with hydroponic maize (Zea mays L.) green fodder and its effect on lamb growth

Javier J. Cantón-Castillo , Rosendo A. Alcaraz-Romero , Ricardo A. Chiquini-Medina , A. Maya-Martínez
Abstract 613 | PDF 1 (5 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Genuine Mexican cheeses: technological processes and manufacturing parameters

Mónica Andrea Celeste Centeno-Rodríguez, Mónica Giovanna Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, Mariana Jaime-Patlán, Ezequiel Francisco Meza-Plaza , Karen Estefanía Montecillos-Ramírez, Wilma Betzabe Rojas-Salinas, César Ozuna
Abstract 1012 | PDF 2 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Evaluation of soil amendments in perennial ryegrass pastures associated with white and red clover in small-scale milk production systems

Cloe Dafne Álvarez García, Carlos Manuel Arriaga Jordán, Julieta Gertrudis Estrada Flores, Felipe López González
Abstract 427 | PDF 3 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

In vitro production of gases with mixtures of Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam) de Wit

Alejandro Ley de Coss, CÁNDIDO ENRIQUE GUERRA MEDINA, Esaú de Jesús Pérez-Luna, Carlos Hugo Avendaño-Arrazate, José Andrés Reyes Gutiérrez
Abstract 404 | EARLY ACCESS 4 Downloads 0 | DOI

Vulnerability of Citrus Growers to Huanglongbing

L. Aguilar-Román, M.C. Vargas-Mendoza, J. A. Villanueva-Jiménez, C.F. Ortiz-García, H. Cabrera-Mireles
Abstract 430 | PDF 4 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

The Tilapia-Prawn Polyculture: Its Development in Mexico

A. Asiain-Hoyos, J. L. Reta-Mendiola, A. I. García-Sánchez, J. Domínguez-Mora
Abstract 552 | PDF 5 (5 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Agroecosystem and rural tourism: Bibliometric analysis and its conceptual relationship from 2014 to 2020

R. Campos-Pulido, A. Pérez-Vázquez, F. Gallardo-López, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Juan Valente Hidalgo-Contreras
Abstract 546 | PDF 6 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

The Coffee Agroforestry System in Mexico

Victoria Cessa-Reyes, Octavio Ruiz-Rosado, Liliana Alcudia-Armida
Abstract 509 | PDF 7 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

The Postgraduate Course in Tropical Agroecosystems: Facing the Challenges for Mexican Agriculture in the 21st Century

Felipe Gallardo-López, Mario Alejandro Hernández-Chontal, Ariadna Linares-Gabriel, Pedro Cisneros-Saguilán
Abstract 607 | PDF 8 (8 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Resilience as an Adaptation Strategy of Agroecosystems in the light of Climate Change

I. Quiroz Guerrero, A. Pérez Vázquez, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez , Felipe Gallardo-López , Joel Velasco-Velasco, Griselda Benítez-Badillo
Abstract 482 | PDF 9 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Waste of Fruits, Vegetables and Aromatic Herbs in the wholesale market of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

Eliseo García-Pérez, Genaro Aguilar-Gutiérrez, Ezequiel Arvizu-Barrón, Alejandra Ramírez-Martínez
Abstract 6000 | PDF 10 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Coffee Agroecosystem in Mexico: Productive Culture between Tradition and Change

Verónica Rosales-Martínez , Juan Pablo Martínez-Dávila , Lorena Casanova-Pérez
Abstract 475 | PDF 11 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Evolution of the Agri-Food Chain Concept in the 21st Century: The Taro Case

M.E. Parra-Melchor, A. Pérez-Vázquez, E. Arvizu-Barrón
Abstract 416 | PDF 12 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Biodiversity, management, and commercialization of ornamental plants at nurseries in Fortin de las Flores, Veracruz

Katia A. Figueroa-Rodríguez, L. A. Castillo-González, O. Fernández-Fernández, Y. Mayett-Moreno, D. M. Sangerman-Jarquín
Abstract 471 | PDF 13 (8 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

In vitro gas and methane production and dry matter degradation of pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma) silages with pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) hay

Paulino Sánchez-Santillán, Nicolas Torres-Salado, Jeronimo Herrera-Pérez, Adelaido R. Rojas-García, María A. Maldonado-Peralta, Marco A. Ayala-Monter
Abstract 710 | PDF 14 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Historical Reconstruction of Subordination in a Local Context: Agroecosystems with Sugarcane in Veracruz, Mexico

L. Casanova-Pérez, J. P. Martínez-Dávila, S. López-Ortiz, C. Landeros-Sánchez, G. López-Romero
Abstract 431 | PDF 15 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

The Mango Value Network (Mangifera indica L.) in Campeche, Mexico

A.R. Ireta-Paredes, P. Pérez Hernández, J. Bautista-Ortega, A.V. Ayala-Garay, A. Soto-Estrada
Abstract 710 | PDF 16 (6 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Evaluation of the functionality of a constructed wetland system under semidesert and saline conditions

Erich Dietmar Rössel-Kipping, Norma Angelica Gaytan-Saldaña, Hipólito Ortiz-Laurel, Rodolfo Cisneros-Pérez, Rodolfo Cisneros-Almaza
Abstract 431 | PDF 17 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Advances in the selection program of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) varieties in the Colegio de Postgraduados

Jazmin Lavín-Castañeda, Héctor Emmanuel Sentíes-Herrera, Libia Iris Trejo-Téllez, Jericó-Jabín Bello-Bello, Juan Valente Hidalgo-Contreras, Fernando Carlos Gómez-Merino
Abstract 697 | PDF 18 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Public Policies for the Development of Agroecosystems Resilient to Climate Change

M.J. Mikery-Gutiérrez, A. Pérez-Vázquez, J.P. Martínez-Dávila, O. Ruiz-Rosado , J.C. García-Albardo
Abstract 459 | PDF 19 (7 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI

Groundwater Contamination due to the Use of Agrochemicals in Sugar Cane Agroecosystems

Alejandra Soto Estrada, Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez, Juan Manuel Hernández-Pérez
Abstract 459 | PDF 20 (5 Páginas) Downloads 0 | DOI