Digestibility of a diet with hydroponic maize (Zea mays L.) green fodder and its effect on lamb growth


Javier J. Cantón-Castillo
Rosendo A. Alcaraz-Romero
Ricardo A. Chiquini-Medina
A. Maya-Martínez



Objective: To determine the apparent digestibility (AD) of diets with hydroponic green corn forage (HGCF) and to evaluate its effect on the dry matter (DM) intake and daily weight gain (DWG) of lambs.

Design/methodology/approach: Two experiments using four levels of inclusion (0, 20, 40, 60% DM) of HGCF in the diet were carried out. For determine the AD of diet 16 sheep were used and for the growth evaluation 20 male lambs. A completely randomized design in both studies was used.

Results: A higher AD of DM and crude protein in diets with 40% and 60% of HGCF was observed (P<0.05; P<0.01). Lambs from 0 and 20% HGCF treatment had a higher DWG. A lower DM intake in 60% HGCF diet was registered (P<0.05).

Limitations on study/implications: Currently there are various methods to supplement sheep during dry season, however, few are fully adapted to the needs of farmers. Hydroponic green corn forage is a valuable alternative for fast and constant production of forage with high nutritional value for sheep.

Findings/conclusions: Hydroponic green corn forage has high digestibility, therefore, it can be used as an excellent source of forage in the diet of lambs, obtaining appropriate weight gains with rations that include up to 40% in the diet to replace commercial food.

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