Waste of Fruits, Vegetables and Aromatic Herbs in the wholesale market of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico


Eliseo García-Pérez
Genaro Aguilar-Gutiérrez
Ezequiel Arvizu-Barrón
Alejandra Ramírez-Martínez



Objective: To estimate the waste of fruits, legumes and herbs in the Xalapa wholesale market Central de Abasto Xalapa (CAX).

Design/methodology/approach: The tenants and transporters of the wholesale market were interviewed, who estimated the reported information.

Results: It was calculated a daily waste 1.7 t (0.7 %) of fruits, legumes and aromatic herbs commercialized in CAX. Tenants unknown the factors that cause this waste.

Limitations on study/implications: Few reports are available on the waste of fruits, vegetables and herbs in the wholesale markets in the country. Little awareness exists about this problem in the country.

Findings/conclusions: The amount of waste produced daily in CAX indicates the need to review the public policies applicable to improve their coordination and market problems

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