The Tilapia-Prawn Polyculture: Its Development in Mexico


A. Asiain-Hoyos
J. L. Reta-Mendiola
A. I. García-Sánchez
J. Domínguez-Mora



Objective: Analyze the productive development performed by two aquatic species of recent introduction in our country, the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), arguing their potential under mono and polyculture systems.

Design/methodology/approximation: The bibliographic meta-analysis was developed searching information on the internet, and is presented in a chronological manner with the analysis of the technological, social and political dimensions, visualizing the benefits and advantages of applying the polyculture production system.

Results: A data base on the development of the tilapia-freshwater prawn polyculture in our country was obtained. Mexico presents the required physical characteristics for both species production. Thus, polyculture allows the use of the same infrastructure, resulting in a better productivity and income.

Limitations of the study/implications: Polyculture information registered on electronic media was scarce.

Findings/conclusions: The polyculture production of the Malaysian prawn and tilapia is a profitable option for the aquaculture producer in tropical areas of Mexico

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