The Coffee Agroforestry System in Mexico


Victoria Cessa-Reyes
Octavio Ruiz-Rosado
Liliana Alcudia-Armida



Objective: To identify the current knowledge about the coffee agroforestry systems, with emphasis on Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: A documentary internet search based on Google® was carried out using the keywords "agroforestry and coffee plantations”, and “coffee agroforestry systems in Mexico".

Results: As a result, 88 documents were obtained; 91% of the publications were in Spanish, 40% are from Colombia, 24% from Mexico, 7% from Costa Rica and the last 29% from other countries.

Limitations of the study/implications: This topic is studied by several institutions, although it is not part of a systematic line of study.

Findings/Conclusions: Most of the research are focused on the importance of the coffee agroforestry system as a provider of environmental services, standing out the carbon sequestration, water catchment, biodiversity reservation and soil erosion buffering.

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