Agroecosystem and rural tourism: Bibliometric analysis and its conceptual relationship from 2014 to 2020


R. Campos-Pulido
A. Pérez-Vázquez
F. Gallardo-López
Cesáreo Landeros-Sánchez
Juan Valente Hidalgo-Contreras



Objective: Analyze scientific papers close linked to the concepts of agroecosystems, rural tourism and its conceptual relationship.

Design/methodology/approach: A search of papers published from 2014 up to 2020 in Science Direct ( was conducted, using key words related to the agroecosystem concept and rural tourism. Later, a bibliometric and text analysis was performed.

Results: The concept of agroecosystems has been dynamic through time and related to other disciplines. However, research relating this concept with rural tourism is scarce.

Limitations of the study/implication: Research proposals on agroecosystems associated to rural tourism are limited.

Findings/Conclusions: Papers with the conceptual evolution of agroecosystems integrating rural tourism are scarce. So, it is suggested to study the agroecosystem in its different aspects, but considering their cultural and historical basis

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