Exploitation of plantain (Musa spp.) plantations as an agrotourist element


Esthefania Bonilla-Gutiérrez
Fernando Carlos Gómez-Merino,
Libia Iris I. Trejo-Téllez
J. Cruz García-Albarado
Juan Valente Hidalgo-Contreras


agrosystemic, landscape, co-product, biodegradable


Objective: To analyze the processes and alternative uses that plantain cultivation may have, in addition to
places with tourist potential in the town Monte Salas, municipality of Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A review of the space of the study area was performed, as well as an
anthropological analysis, description of the process of the plantain leaf used to prepare local food, commercial
analysis, development of a sustainable product, and a research stay in Colombia.
Results: In Monte Salas, Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico, plantain cultivation is regarded as an
outstanding element of the landscape, together with the process of leaf roast production as a value-adding
strategy to generate biodegradable co-products. Through the dissemination of audiovisual capsules on social
networks, places with tourist potential were made known and together with the implementation of the offer of
biodegradable co-products, it was demonstrated that plantain leaf can be used alternately.
Study Limitations/Implications: Due to the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic, the dissemination of our findings and products were restricted.
Conclusions: Novel biodegradable products can be manufactured from plantain leaves, which created a
special interest of local tourists to visit Monte Salas and enjoy the agrosystemic landscape.

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