Public Policies for the Development of Agroecosystems Resilient to Climate Change


M.J. Mikery-Gutiérrez
A. Pérez-Vázquez
J.P. Martínez-Dávila
O. Ruiz-Rosado
J.C. García-Albardo



Objective: Analyze public policies in Mexico facing climate change in agriculture that allow the development of resilient agroecosystems.

Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of research on resilience to climate change in the agricultural and rural sectors, as well as analysis of literature on public policies formulated to climate change in the agricultural sector (period 2013-2019), was realized.

Results: Multiple sources of resilience for agroecosystems are present. Policies could be oriented to identify such sources and to strengthen capacities according to different scales and contexts. There is the possibility of considering factors associated with the evolution of these systems to employ strategies that are consistent and that allow coordination between political levels.

Limitations of the study/Implications: This is a theoretical study restricted to the available literature published until 2019.

Findings/Conclusions: Public policies require integrating the perspective of the dynamics of the complex agricultural system and the multiple sources of resilience at different scales and contexts, articulating the development of resilient agroecosystems to climate change.

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