Production and commercialization of flowers in the municipality of Texcoco, Estado de México
clúster, producción local florícola, mercado floricola, innovación tecnológica
Objective: To characterize the production and commercialization of flowers in the municipality of Texcoco, Estado de México.
Design/methodology/approach: A total of n=78 floriculturists from 11 different localities were interviewed and asked about general characteristics of the production unit, and for each person their level of innovation was also identified with the aim of constructing a typology of floriculturists.
Results: Four groups of floriculturists were found, which were differentiated (P<0.10) by their level of infrastructure, innovation, number of family members that work in the production unit and number of clients which they have, in addition to gender.
Limitations on study/implications: The type of sample used does not allow generalizing the results found. In addition, due to the diversity of flowers that are produced in the zone, it is difficult to homogenize the innovations and level of innovation, so an approach is presented.
Findings/conclusions: The production and commercialization of flowers in the municipality of Texcoco is carried out by traditional floriculturists. The groups identified mainly have infrastructure directed toward production, so the highest levels of innovation are found in technology, with the opportunity area of commercial and organizational innovations.