
Diversity and relative abundance of rodent species under three habitat conditions in the Altiplano Potosino Oeste, Mexico

Jesús M. Martínez-Calderas, Itayetzy E. Ornelas-Rodarte, Jorge Palacio-Núñez, Juan F. Martínez-Montoya, Genaro Olmos-Oropeza, Ángel Bravo-Vinaja
Abstract 677 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0 | DOI

Aphid diversity and population fluctuation of vector species of the ringspot virus in papaya (Carica papaya L.)

César Orlando Pozo Santiago, Rebeca Peña Martínez, Liliana Ríos-Rodas, Martin Gerardo Martínez Valdés, Eder Ramos Hernández, José del Carmen Gerónimo Torres
Abstract 414 | EARLY ACCESS 2 Downloads 0 | DOI

Yield evaluation of rocoto pepper (Capsicum pubescens R and P) with application of calcium carbonate in greenhouses

Francisco Javier Piña Ramírez, Silvia A. García-Muñoz, Omar C. Ponce-García, Juan M. Soto-Parra, Arwell N. Leyva-Chávez, Anabel Ortega-Rodríguez
Abstract 502 | EARLY ACCESS 3 Downloads 0 | DOI

Interaction between nitrogen doses and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) incorporation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production

Juan Manuel Pérez Gómez, Armando Hernández Pérez, Alejandro Zermeño González , José Ángel Villareal Quintanilla , Homero Ramírez Rodríguez
Abstract 353 | EARLY ACCESS 4 Downloads 0 | DOI

Effect of climatic factors on the diversity and abundance of Scolytinae and Platypodinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in a pine-oak forest

Maurilio Lopez Ortega, Hugo de Jesus Suárez-Hernández , Francisco Infante, Ángel I. Ortiz-Ceballos, Francisco Díaz-Fleischer
Abstract 794 | EARLY ACCESS 5 Downloads 0 | DOI

Productive potential and typology of the bean agroecosystem in the Papaloapan basin, Mexico

Roberto de Jesús López Escudero, Héctor Daniel Inurreta Aguirre, Cesar Mauricio Torres Tadeo, Gustavo López Romero, Verónica Lango Reynoso
Abstract 606 | EARLY ACCESS 6 Downloads 0 | DOI

Varietal description of two genotypes of manzano chili pepper (Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav.)

Chirstiam I Galvez-Orduña, Pablo Andres-Meza, José L. Del Rosario-Arellano, Ricardo Serna-Lagunes, Jaime Mejía-Carranza, José A Vera-Heredia, Otto R Leyva-Ovalle, Joaquín Murguía-González, María E Galindo-Tovar, Juan Del Rosario-Arellano, Mauro Sierra-Macías, Alejandro Espinosa-Calderón, Margarita Tadeo-Robledo, Noé Aguilar-Rivera, Luis E Aquino-Solis
Abstract 547 | EARLY ACCESS 7 Downloads 0 | DOI

Family patio agroecosystem: role and empowerment of rural women in two communities

Leydy Odeth Ruiz Puente, María Carmen Alvarez-Avila, Luciane Costa Soares, Silvia Pimentel Aguilar, Alberto Asiain Hoyos
Abstract 299 | EARLY ACCESS 8 Downloads 0 | DOI

Use of Theory of Change (ToC) as a methodological apprach to evaluate the papaya Maradol Regional Development Program in the Mixteca Poblana region

José Manuel De León Reyes, Óscar Luis Figueroa Rodríguez, Martín Hernández Juárez , Ignacio Caamal Cahuich
Abstract 223 | EARLY ACCESS 9 Downloads 0 | DOI

PCR molecular identification of the fall armyworm in the Chontalpa region, Tabasco, Mexico

Eder Ramos-Hernández, Carlos Fredy Ortíz-García, Samuel Cordova-Sánchez, Blanca Patricia Castellanos-Potenciano
Abstract 475 | EARLY ACCESS 10 Downloads 0 | DOI

Use of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) in Mashona heifers, under a J-Synch synchronization protocol, and its effect in pregnancy rate

Fernando Sánchez Dávila, Martínez-Zuazua, Viviana, Rogelio Alejandro Ledezma-Torres, Keyla Mauleón-Tolentino, Cecilia C. Zapata-Campos, Carlos Luna-Palomera, Estela Garza-Brenner
Abstract 428 | EARLY ACCESS 11 Downloads 0 | DOI

Corn price volatility and producer income protection

MARIO IVAN GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, Ramón Valdivia-Alcalá, Maria I. Osorio-Caballero, Juan Hernández-Ortiz, Miguel I. Santiago-Zárate, Cristian A. Barragán-Avilés
Abstract 237 | EARLY ACCESS 12 Downloads 0 | DOI

Agronomic response of two experimental varieties of habanero chili in the application of band vermicomposting

Brenda L. Santiago-Morales, Neymar Camposeco, A. Sandoval-Rangel, V. Robledo-Torres, J.S.G.J. Alcalá-Rico
Abstract 281 | EARLY ACCESS 13 Downloads 0 | DOI

Soy (Glycine max L.) production and importation determinants in Mexico and actions aimed to increase its domestic coverage

Francisco Garcia-Fernández, Martín Alfredo Legarreta-González, Antonio Galván Vera
Abstract 288 | EARLY ACCESS 14 Downloads 0 | DOI

Perception of inhabitants from the Laguna Santiaguillo Basin: natural resources and liveli-hoods

María del Socorro Morales de Casas, Eduardo Sánchez Ortíz, Marco Marquez-Linares
Abstract 275 | EARLY ACCESS 15 Downloads 0 | DOI


J. Olloqui Enrique, Mauricio A. Mendoza-Pérez , Emmanuel Pérez-Escalante, Juan C. Ramírez-Orejel, Quinatzin Y. Zafra-Rojas, Mauricio I. Andrade-Luna, Juan Carlos Moreno-Seceña
Abstract 309 | EARLY ACCESS 16 Downloads 0 | DOI

LD50 and GR50 estimation with gamma rays (60 Co) IN Arachis pintoi Var. amarillo

LUIS ANTONIO GALVEZ MARROQUIN, JOSE DE JESUS MALDONADO MENDEZ, Cándido Enrique Guerra Medina , Carlos Hugo Avendaño Arrazate , Yeudiel Gómez Simuta, Alfredo Monterrosa del Toro
Abstract 344 | EARLY ACCESS 17 Downloads 0 | DOI

Evaluation of the Genipa americana L. / Heliconia stricta Huber agroforestry system and its effects on soil fertility

JANNI SILVANO SANCHEZ, Jesús Arreola-Enríquez, DA. Leyva-Trinidad
Abstract 269 | EARLY ACCESS 18 Downloads 0 | DOI


Alimentary and anti-methanogenic potential of four tropical species in domestic ruminants

Eleab Silvano Beytia-Pacheco, Bernardino Espinoza-Velasco, María Magdalena Crosby-Galván, Alfredo Sánchez-Villarreal, Mónica Ramírez-Mella
Abstract 257 | EARLY ACCESS 19 Downloads 0 | DOI