Perception of inhabitants from the Laguna Santiaguillo Basin: natural resources and liveli-hoods


María del Socorro Morales de Casas
Eduardo Sánchez Ortíz
Marco Marquez-Linares


Socioenvironmental conflicts, perception, focus group, ecosystem degradation, endorheic basin.


Objective: To learn about the state of the natural resources and productive systems in the Laguna Santiaguillo Basin from the viewpoint of the inhabitants.

Methodology: The approach was qualitative, by means of a focus group.

Results: The problems perceived are related to: access to water both because of its low availability and due to the inequity in its distribution which generates low productivity and conflicts over the use of this resource; low prices for agricultural products; conflicts arising from the use of wildlife; and the degradation of grasslands as a result of overgrazing.

Limitations on study/implications: The Mennonite group, which is an important actor within the basin, was not represented in the focus group.

Conclusions: The participants in the group perceive the basin’s problem in an integrated manner, linking components of natural, economic, social and political resources, which lead them to actions adapted to their context to solve this problem.

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