Aquaculture research with funding from CONAHCYT in three public research centers in Mexico


Olimpia Chong-Carrillo
Omar A. Peña-Almaraz
Martín A. Aréchiga-Palomera
Fernando Vega-Villasante


Projects, budget, Mexico, social incidence, aquaculture


Objective: Analyze the projects on aquatic species financed by CONAHCYT through the information provided by the Transparency Units (TU) of the public research centers (PRC) CIBNOR, CICESE and CIAD.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The information was requested from the TUs of the centers through the official email of the TUs. The TUs sent the information, and it was organized in spreadsheets for later analysis. For the analysis, only the projects financed by CONAHCYT were considered and the following were selected: the year the project began, the technical manager, the species or species that were the main object of the project, and the amount approved.

Results: The projects financed in the timeline established by each center are shown, as well as the amounts approved, the responsible researchers and the species addressed. Native species are the ones that have obtained the most financed projects, although part of the budget has been applied to invasive alien species. The social incidence is perceptible in some of the financed projects, although it has been a characteristic that has been fairly attended.

Study limitations/Implications: The research has been limited to the information provided by the TUs of PRCs. If more information exists, it is not available through this route.

Findings/Conclusions: The three PRCs propose projects that are mostly on native aquatic species. There has been a decrease in the number of projects funded. The social incidence is barely perceptible in the projects proposed and financed by CONAHCYT.


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