Scientific research on exotic and native fish farming in Mexico: a sci-entometric view.


Karen N. Nieves-Rodríguez
Olimpia Chong-Carrillo
Martín A. Aréchiga-Palomera
Omar A. Peña-Almaraz
David J. Palma-Cancino
Manuel A. Vargas-Ceballos
Liza D. Kelly-Gutiérrez
Daniel Badillo-Zapata
Fernando Vega-Villasante


Bibliometrics, native fish, open access, aquaculture, tilapia


Objective: To analyze through a scientometric study, the research effort in Mexico on the study of native and exotic fish species with aquaculture production technology, indexed in Scopus.

Design/methodology/approach: Fish species were selected based on a previous study and communications with researchers. Scientific articles from 1990 to 2023 were collected from the Scopus database, focusing on studies conducted by Mexican institutions. Data were transferred to Excel® sheets for analysis, including number of publications, topics, institutions, funding sources and open access documents.

Results: The species that shows the greatest number of articles published is Oreochromis niloticus, although there is a clear interest in addressing studies on native species.  In general, scientific production is led by institutions such as UNAM, IPN, UABC, CIAD and CIBNOR. The dominant topics are aquaculture, ecology, biochemistry, immunology, and parasitology. CONAHCYT is the main source of funding. About half of the publications were open access.

Limitations on study/implications: The study is limited to the Scopus database, which is the one that includes the largest number of journals worldwide. However, by not including other databases the results could have a slight bias, although we do not consider that the trends changed significantly.

Findings/conclusions: Fish research in Mexico shows a positive outlook, with great interest in several species. However, it faces challenges such as the concentration of effort on exotic species, and the impact of the pandemic on research. A balanced approach is needed to encourage research on native species and facilitate open access to scientific information. This will strengthen fish research in Mexico and enhance its impact on the development of the country.

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