Levels of fat for potential consumption of juvenile Ambystoma mexi-canum (Shaw & Nodder, 1798) axolotls: Lipid levels


Itzel Manjarrez-Alcívar
Leonardo Martínez Cardenas
Fernando Vega-Villasante
Daniel Badillo-Zapata
Cynthia E. Montoya-Martínez
Erick F. López-Félix


nutrition, lipid, feeding, axolotl, amphibian, caudata


Objective: The present study focused on the effect of different lipid levels on growth (weight and length) and survival in juvenile Ambystoma mexicanum.

Design/methodology/approach: Four diets with the same 45% protein level and different lipid levels: 6, 8, 10 and 12% were tested for a period of 81 days. For the preparation of the diets, two key ingredients were used, such as fishmeal and fish oil, these as protein base and lipid source. The experiment consisted of placing six organisms per experimental unit in tubs with 40 L of water for a period of 81 days; period during which four biometrics were performed, the organisms were fed every 48 hours to the weight of their biomass. The digestibility of the diets, initial and final height, initial and final weight, weight gained, weight gained per day, specific growth rate, survival, Fulton index and protein efficiency rate were recorded.

Results: At the end of the experiment, significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the growth and survival of the axolotls in the diets of 8, 10 and 12% lipids.

Limitations on study/implications: A wider range of lipid levels could not be tested, due to the number of individuals available for the experiment.

Findings/conclusions: According to the data obtained in this study, it is recommended to include a level of 45% protein and 8% lipids in the diets of juvenile Ambystoma mexicanum, for their better development and nutrition

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