Agronomic response of experimental hybrids of poblano pepper under shade cloth in Coahuila, Mexico


Neymar Camposeco Montejo
María del Pilar Marín Cortez
Antonio Flores Naveda
Josue Israel García López
Perpetuo Álvarez Vázquez
Francisco Alfonso Gordillo Melgoza


Capsicum annuum, phenotype, attribute, quality, performance.


Objective: To evaluate the agronomic response of sixteen experimental hybrids of poblano pepper under shade cloth in Coahuila, Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: The design of treatments and the statistical model was completely randomized with 16 treatments and four repetitions each, analyzed with an ANVA at p≤0.05 and Tukey’s means test p≤0.05.

Results: In yield (kg plant-1), the hybrids AN-103, AN-203, AN-204, AN-302, AN-401, AN-402 and AN-403 were superior; in average weight of the fruit the hybrids AN-203, AN-302, AN-402 and AN-304 stood out; the fruit length was greater in the hybrids AN-302, AN-304, AN-401, AN-402, AN-403, AN-404, AN -204 and AN-103; the number of fruits per plant was very similar in most of the hybrids; the hybrid AN-302 produced the widest fruits in its basal part near the peduncle, and it also stood out in the width at the center part of the fruit. The number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and average fruit width are the attributes that contribute the most to yield, whose Pearson correlation is 0.74, 0.55 and 0.44.

Findings/Conclusions: The hybrids that showed a favorable agronomic response in most of the attributes evaluated were AN-401, AN-402, AN-203, AN-302. The agronomic response of the experimental hybrids was variable in most of the traits evaluated; therefore, the genetic potential of each of the hybrids is different and is reflected in their phenotypic response under the specific conditions of the environment in which they developed.

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