Production and quality of habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) with chemical and organic fertilization


Cesar Jacier Tucuch Haas
Azareel Angulo Castro
Jorge Ismanel Tucuch Haas


Humus, lombricomposta, abono orgánico


Objective: To compare the effect of earthworm humus (vermicompost) with
respect to that of a standard fertilization treatment with conventional chemicals on
the yield and fruit quality in the cultivation of habanero pepper (Capsicum
Design / methodology / approach: The experimental design was of randomized
blocks with seven replicates. The treatments consisted of 100% worm humus, 50%
worm humus + 50% soil combination, as well as soil with chemical fertilizers as a
control. The number of fruits, the quality of the fruits (length, diameter, and weight)
of three cuts (harvests), in addition to the yield per plant, were evaluated. The data
were analyzed with an analysis of variance and when statistical differences were
detected, a means comparison was performed with the Tukey test (P>0.05). 2
Results: The 100% vermicompost treatment did not significantly reduce the height
and diameter of the plant stem. Regard yield, a 15% increase was observed,
although it was not significant compared to the control. Likewise, the quality of the
fruits did not decrease.
Study limitations / implications: The combination of 50% vermicompost and soil
or less could affect the development and yield of habanero pepper crops.
Findings / conclusions: Supplying earthworm humus does not affect the yield or
quality of habanero pepper fruits, which is an alternative for nutrients supply at low
cost which is also an environmentally friendly practice.

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