Effect of selenium on semen quality and fertility of rams


Enrique Hernández-Carrillo
Héctor Sánchez-Pineda
Jorge Tórtora-Pérez
Francisco Antonio Cigarroa Vázquez
María Reyes-García
Marisela Peralta-Lailson
José A. Hernández-Marín


Selenium, ovine, semen, electroejaculator, infertility


Objective: To evaluate the effect of different selenium (Se) doses on semen quality and fertility of rams.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Se was administered subcutaneously each month to nine two-month-old rams (from April 2018 to February 2020). The treatments were: T1 = without Se, T2 = 0.1 mg Se kg-1, and T3 = 0.3 mg Se kg-1. Semen evaluations were carried out using an electroejaculator; a total of 180 ejaculations were analyzed. The rams with better semen quality (one per treatment) were subjected to a mating. The following variables were evaluated: volume (Vol), masal motility (MM), progressive motility (MP), sperm concentration per mL and ejaculation, acrosome integrity percentage, living spermatozoa, normal spermatozoa, and fertility percentage. The normal distribution variables were evaluated using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s comparison test (Tukey, 0.05); the percentages were raised to the inverse sine in order to perform the appropriate ANOVA. Fertility was analyzed using a χ2 test.

Results: There was no difference in semen quality and fertility percentage (p > 0.05). The ejaculation volume showed differences between treatments (p ≤ 0.05).

Study Limitations/Implications: A study including a higher number of rams and a previous fieldwork practice should be carried out, in order to evaluate semen parameters. These evaluations would help to accurately estimate semen quality and fertility, as well as to corroborate the results.

Findings/Conclusions: Se did not improve semen quality and fertility of rams

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