RESEARCH AND EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS FOR THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Prospective of agricultural education and research

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J. Moncada de la Fuente


urban agriculture, ecotourism, agricultural extensión, relevant research, business opportunities


this brief essay, a diagnosis is made of the present state of Mexican Agriculture, and of the role that play in it the institutions of education and research up to date. It is emphasized that, even if in the discourse the importance of the sector is recognized, in practice it is put aside and remains marginal. To alleviate this situation it is proposed to diversify, identify and develop new business opportunities, to promote protected and urban agriculture, ecotourism, environmental services and alternate sources of energy. To that end, it is primordial to increase the relevant research in our institutions of research and higher agricultural education; which requires, among other things, the creation of a National System of Innovators, parallel to the SNI; and to assign multi annual budgets for research. It is also necessary to establish an efficient and effective national system of agricultural extension, as well as to promote divulgation journals aimed to technicians in the field and produce

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