Social interactions and business portfolio among vegetable produc-ers in central Mexico

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Ma. Guadalupe Heredia-Sánchez
Francisco Ernesto Martínez-Castañeda
Mónica E. Ruiz-Torres
Vianey González-Hernández
Juan F. Nuñez-Espinoza
Humberto Thomé-Ortíz


social networks analysis, Boston Consulting Group and Ansoff matrix.


Objective: Analyze social interactions and business portfolio of vegetable producers in Central Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: we worked with 16 small vegetable producers. Semi-structured questionnaires and periodic monitoring were used in field to collect data. A Social Network analysis was carried out to know social interactions between producers, and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Ansoff matrix for the business portfolio.

Results: We found that the products with potential in the market were lettuce and nopal. Broccoli and squash represent low sales and low utility. Producers with a higher degree of centrality grow lettuce, broccoli and squash, so we suggested to develop strategies for introducing nopal.

Limitations on study/implications: It was necessary to deep in market and consumers analysis.

Abstract 324 | EARLY ACCESS 17 (Español (España)) Downloads 0

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