Technological gap in allspice (Pimenta dioica L. Merr) production

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Cristian Santos Vazquez
Ramón Valdivia-Alcalá
Diana América Reyna-Izaguirre
Sergio Roberto Márquez-Berber
Domingo Montalvo-Hernández




Objective: The objective of the research was to study the technological features of allspice production, to show potential areas of intervention in the crop.

Methodology: The study was carried out in five of 22 producing municipalities in the state of Veracruz selected by non-probabilistic sampling; 50 surveys were applied to producers selected by the snowball method. Were data collected on the profile of the production unit and knowledge - practice of innovations. Were applied descriptive statistics; besides were calculated rates of knowledge and practice and indexes of knowledge and practice; it was made a classification of opportunity areas based on innovation diffusion theory.

Results: Allspice occupies small areas and continues in a complementary role; the rates of knowledge and practice show that the categories of marketing, organization, and nutrition are the lowest; in the opposite direction are the categories of harvest, sustainable management, and agronomic management. The categories show areas of opportunity for intervention in less known and practiced innovations; as well as an opportunity for reinvention in the best-known and most practiced categories.

Limitations of the study: Due to the difficult access to producer databases, it was decided to carry out a snowball sampling.

Conclusion: The increase in knowledge and practice rates are determined by areas of opportunity and the rethinking of the best-known innovations. The role played by allspice, the surface area occupied, and the presence of other commercial crops may be the explanation of the productive state.

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