Effects of juice of ten variants of prickly pear (Opuntia SPP.) on the energy metabolism of Wistar rats with induced diabetes Hypoglycemic efficacy of prickly pear juices (Opuntia SPP.)
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The effects of juice of 10 variants of prickly pear fruit on blood sugar level and related metabolic parameters were evaluated on glycostatic (GS) and hyperglycemic (HG) Wistar rats. The selection of variants was based on their abundance and the economic potential of their fruit in the state of San Luis Potosi, their humanization degree, and fruit colors. The experimental design used was completely randomized with an 11 x 2 factorial arrangement, where factor A was the juice of the pear variant (10 variants and water for control), and factor B was the health condition of the rats (GS and HG). In most of the treatments there was an increase in weight, except for GS animals which received juice from Tapón rojo variant. HG rats which received water showed higher plasma levels of glucose (p <0.05) than those which received juice from the variant Sangre de toro, as well as all GS rats. Prickly pear juices significantly modified the concentration of glucose in the blood of Wistar HG and GS rats.