Dynamics and structure of swine health research in Mexico: a methodological approach

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Francisco Ernesto Martínez-Castañeda http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0168-921X
Juan Felipe Núñez Espinoza
Monica Elizama Ruiz-Torres
María Elena Trujillo-Ortega


Social Network Analysis, universities,, laboratories


Objective: Characterized the socio-structural dynamics on research in pig veterinary and health in Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from the IPVS Congresses Memories from 2010-2018. The study unit were authors and co-authors to the papers. Social Network analysis was used to understand the dynamics of research groups. The UCINET 6 for Windows was used to the analysis.

Results: In the area to pig veterinary and health, 63% of the research has been carried out by universities and research centers, and the rest by the private initiative. The most active universities with research are UNAM with 34% of the papers presented, followed by INIFAP with 9%, the UAEMex and University of Yucatán. The main areas of research in pig health were PRRS, Circovirus, Influenza, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea among others.

Limitations on study/implications: This work only considered the scientific information in pig veterinary contained in memories of the IPVS Congresses of 2010-2018. Displaying this works networks makes it possible to detect spaces to creates research policies. 

Findings/conclusions: Research about pig veterinary health in Mexico is focused in five working groups, so knowing who is key actors will allow adequate dissemination of the information

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