Sustainability of four agroecosystems in the state of Veracruz, Mexico

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Juan Manuel Carrión Delgado
Ofelia A. Valdés-Rodríguez
Felipe Gallardo-López


Key words: moringa, sustainable agriculture, sustainability indicators.



Objective. Evaluate the sustainability of four agroecosystems in the state of Veracruz, sugarcane, grain corn, orange and moringa.

Methodology. Semi-structured interviews were applied to 19 producers who provided information on the management of the crops and critical points affecting sustainability. The indicators were pondered using the Bottom up criteria and the PER model.

Results. The crop with the highest sustainability was moringa, and the one with the least was corn. Conventional crops are characterized by being monocultures demanding large amounts of non-renewable external inputs that compromise their sustainability. The lack of technical training of the producers was identified as a critical point.

Limitations. The results obtained are limited to the analysis of four production systems and their environmental, economic and social dimensions.

Findings. Moringa is presented as an alternative crop with a low environmental impact that generates jobs and strengthens social capital.


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