Evaluation of the sensory quality and level of acceptance of formulations of carrot soup microemulsified with Inulin and Milk Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC).

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Miriam Fabiola Fabela Morón
Mayra Díaz-Ramírez
Judith Jiménez-Guzmán
Rosy G. Cruz-Monterrosa
Adolfo A. Rayas-Amor
Erika B. León-Espinosa
María Mena-Martínez
Mariano García-Garibay


carrot, biopolymers, microemulsion



Objective: Evaluate the sensory quality and the level of acceptance of carrot soup formulations microemulsified with Inulin and Milk Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC).

Design/methodology/approach: Formulations of Carrot Soup Microemulsified with Inulin and Milk Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) were developed according to a Simple Centroid Experimental Design and the sensory quality and level of acceptance of the developed Formulations were evaluated.

Results: Formulation D formulated with carrot microemulsified with a mixture of Inulin and WPC presented the highest level of acceptance compared to the other formulations developed. The developed Formulations presented significant differences respect to luminosity (L *) and did not present a significant difference respect to color difference (?E *) as they all presented a tendency to red-yellow hue.

Limitations on study/implications: It is important to carry out further tests to complete the development of formulations to improve the sensory properties of this type of products.

Findings/conclusions: Inulin and Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) are biopolymers that can be used in the development of carrot soup formulations to generate a product with acceptable sensorial quality to the consumer.

Keywords: carrot, biopolymers, microemulsion

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