Prácticas de uso de plaguicidas en agricultores de la Sub-Región Chontalpa

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Damianys Almenares
Samuel Córdova-Sánchez
María de los Á. Pérez Villar
Itzel G. De los Santos-Ramos
Diana K. Trujillo-Acosta



Objective: It was to evaluate the use of pesticides and the symptoms caused by the misuse or / and management of agricultural workers of the Chontalpa sub-region in the state of Tabasco.

Design / methodology / approximation: To collect the information, 91 farmers from four villages in Chontalpa were sampled, to which glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels were determined. A survey was also applied where their work and health history was investigated, as well as the management and frequency of use of pesticides and the symptoms associated with exposure.

Results: It was found that the pesticides used were insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. 63% of workers do not use safety measures in the use of pesticides. Among the protection measures referred to in 42% are the use of a long-sleeved shirt, boots, gloves and masks. 37% presented some symptoms of intoxication, the most frequent were headache, stomach pain and muscle pain. Likewise, the actions carried out by state researchers in the prevention of inappropriate use of pesticides are shown.  

Conclusions:    It was found that producers do not have sufficient knowledge about the risks and proper management of pesticides, which favors dangerous situations due to intoxication towards their health, that of their family and that of the population in general. Therefore, it is necessary to implement health and environmental education actions in agricultural farmers in the región

Keyword: Pesticides, poisoning, herbicides, insecticides, occupational exposure.


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