Conditioning of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) by the nixtamalization process to obtain flour used in the elaboration of loaf bread

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Kenia Alejandra De la Luz Martínez
Miguel Angel Romero-Flores
Ma. De la Paz Salgado-Cruz
Georgina Calderón-Domínguez
Alejandro de Jesús Cortés-Sánchez
Rosy G. Cruz-Monterrosa
Armando Rayas-Amor
Mayra Díaz-Ramírez



Objective: The aim was to establish the effect on quality characteristics of loaf bread added with chickpea flour obtained by nixtamalization and soaking processes.

Design/methodology/approach: The nixtamalization process was realized using 2% Ca(OH)2 solution, 3:1 (w/v) with respect to the grain, and cooking for 80 min. After 14 h, the nixtamal was washing three times. Nixtamalized grains were dried, milled and sieved (U.S. 35 mesh). The flour obtained by the soaking method (12 h, T=21 °C), was cooked (95 °C, 45 min), drying (48 h, 48 °C) and milling.

The characterization of colour and ashes was determined on the flour and bread, also physical, quality and sensorial characteristics were measured.

Results: The results demonstrated that substitution with 35% of nixtamalized chickpea flour, showed the best quality on physical and nutritional characteristics according with the reference (hardness: 23.6 ± 3 and 20.8 ± 6.2 N, color (C): 28.4 ± 1.37 and 29.2 ± 0.927, ashes: 0.17 and 1.43%, respectively).

Limitations on study/implications: Results of sensory analysis of bread obtained by the soaking method has shown that the colour and flavour characteristics were not desired.

Findings/conclusions: The information obtained demonstrates that this process has a positive impact for the consumer, increasing the availability of some nutrients.

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