EcoCrop model approach for agroclimatic suitability of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation


S. Salgado-Velázquez
F. Olvera-Rincón
D.R. Ramos-López
P.U. Hernández-Lara
H. Daniel Inurreta-Aguirre
D.J. Palma-Cancino


Crop suitability, agroclimatic zones, ecocrop, oryza sativa.


Objective: To evaluate the suitability of commercial rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation in the state of Tabasco, Mexico; using the EcoCrop model to improve policy decisions on the crop.

Design/methodology/approach: A crop suitability analysis was carried out for the state of Tabasco using the EcoCrop model. The data for the variables of temperature, solar radiation, humidity and precipitation were taken from the WorldClim database (2023) for the period 1960–2010, with a spatial resolution of 1 km². The soil information was downloaded from INEGI (2023). The modeling was carried out in R studio with the terra, geodata and Recocrop libraries.

Results: The capacity of the area at a regional level to supply the national demand for rice was determined. The model predicted a high climatic suitability of rice in areas where it grows optimally.

Limitations on study/implications: It is suggested that simulation be explored for future situations of the areas currently identified in Tabasco for establishing rice cultivation.

Findings/conclusions: The considerable potential of this approach to assess global and regional food security problems and general climatic constraints is highlighted.

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