Fruits and seed characteristics of chihua squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber.) accessions from Yucatan, Mexico


María Alma Rangel-Fajardo
Jorge Ismael Tucuch Haas
Antonio Villalobos González
Johnny Abraham Burgos Díaz


Fruit size, number of seeds, degree Brix, seed weight.


Objective: To evaluate some fruit and seed characteristics of six chihua squash genotypes obtained in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Materials and methods: Six collections of Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber, obtained in the Yucatan Peninsula, were evaluated in a randomized complete block design for two years. The number of fruits per plot, fruit weight and size, seed weight and number of total, empty and full-filled seeds per fruit were quantified, and degrees Brix of the pulp.

Results: Differences in fruit production were found between collections. The dominant fruit size was medium, fruits between 500 and 999 g, with the Chetumal collection standing out, while the variables of seed weight and number of seeds were affected between collections and between years, because of low rainfall during the production cycle of the second year. All collections recorded a reduction in weight and an increase in the number of empty seeds. Slight variations were identified in the concentration of degrees Brix of the pulp, with the Chetumal collection standing out above the rest.

Conclusions: The evaluated collections present variability within them, which can be useful to select materials for different purposes and to obtain more benefits from this crop

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