Biostimulant Effects of Glycine Betaine in Strawberry Exposed to Salinity Stress


Brenda Estefania Parra-Robles
Libia Iris Trejo-Téllez
Yolanda Leticia Fernández-Pavía
Ángel Rebollar-Alviter
María de la Luz Buendía-Valverde
Fernando Carlos Gómez-Merino


Biostimulation, osmotic stress, strawberry, quality, resistance to abiotic stress.


Objective: To evaluate the biostimulant effects of glycine betaine (GB) in strawberry plants subjected to salt stress.
Design/methodology/approach: A 2 × 3 factorial experiment was carried out with a completely randomized experimental design where the effects of foliar application of GB (0, 10, 20 mM) were evaluated in strawberry plants
exposed to salt stress induced by NaCl (0 and 50 mM). Plant sampling was done 148 days after the establishment of the experiment. The biochemical and nutritional variables were measured. Analysis of variance was
performed on the data obtained and the means were compared using the Tukey test (p ≤ 0.05).
Results: GB application increased chlorophyll concentration, reduced sugar and proline concentration, and increased P uptake. The 20 mM GB dose maintained the K + /Na + ratio under salt stress.

Study limitations/implications: The reproductive phase was not considered in this study; therefore, the effects of GB on fruit yield and quality are not assessed.
Findings/conclusions: Foliar application of GB in strawberry plants subjected to salinity stress is concluded to improve adaptive responses of a biochemical nature by promoting chlorophyll biosynthesis and nutrient concentration.

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