Pruning height and frequency of Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in a silvopastoral system


Issac I. Cauich-Cauich
Luis A. Uicab-Brito
Verónica Rosales-Martínez
Carolina Flota-Bañuelos
Miguel A. Sánchez-Hernández
Ma. L. Fraire-Cordero


Multipurpose trees, Forage, Sprout, Biomass.


Objective: To evaluate two different heights (50 and 70 cm) and pruning frequencies (60 and 135 days) in Moringa oleifera and Leucaena leucocephala in a developing silvopastoral system.

Design/methodology/approach: Four treatments were established: T1=Moringa oleifera with pruning at 50 cm; T2=Moringa oleifera with pruning at 70 cm; T3=Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 50 cm; and T4=Leucaena leucocephala with pruning at 70 cm. In all cases, pruning frequencies were 60 and 135 days. The number of sprouts, diameter, and length of the largest sprout, as well as the amount of biomass, were recorded. A mixed model, variance analysis, and Tukey's test were used to analyze the data.

Results: The number of regrowths for L. leucocephala was higher than for M. oleifera. Treatment T2 had the highest performance at day 60; in the case of L. leucocephala, performance was similar between pruning frequencies. For T2, diameter and length were larger at both frequencies; for T3, at 60 days; and for T4, at 135 days. Biomass was higher for M. oleifera than for L. leucocephala, while pruning at 70 cm was better than at 50 cm. Pruning at 135 days produced a higher biomass than at 60 days. For T2, biomass was higher at 60 days, while for T1 and T4, it was higher at 135 days.

Study limitations/implications: Forage species, as well as pruning frequencies and heights, determine tree growth potential and the amount of biomass available for animals.

Findings/conclusions: The agronomic performance of Leucaena leucocephala has a better response to pruning, regardless of pruning height and frequency, in a silvopastoral system.

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