Forage yield of Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus Jacq.) using mineral fertilization during two seasons of the year


Miguel A. Sánchez-Hernández
Yael E. Valenzuela-Haro
Gladis Morales-Terán
Saúl Hernández-Sánchez
Sergio I. Mendoza-Pedroza
Marco A. Rivas-Jacobo


Gramineae, humid tropic, chlorophyll, dry matter.


Objective: To determine the dry matter yield of Guinea grass (M. maximus Jacq.) in response to mineral fertilization with N-P-K in a tropical humid climate.

Design/Methodology/Approach: We conducted an experiment with Guinea grass in Loma Bonita, Oaxaca, Mexico, during the cold front season (November 2018 to February 2019) and the dry season (March to May 2019). The following N-P-K fertilization formulations were used: 00-00-00, 100-00-00, 140-20-00, 180-40-20, 200-00-00, 240-40-20, 260-60-40, and 300-00-00. The response variables were: plant height (cm), chlorophyll content, and dry matter yield (kg ha-1).

Results: The fertilization with the highest nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium levels (p£0.05) increased the dry matter yield, the chlorophyll content, and the height of the Guinea grass above the control.

Study Limitations/Implications: Mineral fertilization improved the productive performance of Guinea grass. However, studying more seasons is necessary to validate the results obtained.

Findings/Conclusions: The fertilizer formulas with 260-60-40 and 240-40-20 N-P-K units improved the productive performance of Guinea grass. Consequently, the season of the year had a considerable influence on grass yield in a humid tropical climate

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