Effects of different land uses on soil quality indicators in Lixisols from La Sabana, Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico


Santiago Domínguez-Angulo
Joel Zavala-CruzJoel
Rufo Sánchez-Hernández
David J. Palma-Cancino


soil quality, erosion, land-use change, bulk density, tropical agriculture


Objetivo: Evaluar los indicadores físicos de la calidad de suelos sometidos a cuatro usos distintos en Lixisols en la

Objective: To evaluate the physical indicators of the quality of soils subjected to four different land uses in Lixisols from La Sabana in Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: Nine variables were evaluated in soil samples from Lixisols located in La Sabana, Huimanguillo: infiltration rate, resistance to penetration, bulk density, total porosity, aggregate stability, thinning, depth of the horizon, volume and weight of soil loss. We used a completely randomized sample design, with a factor with four levels (each land use: pasture, rubber tree, rubber-cacao and rubber-mahogany), and five treatment repetitions; each sampling point of the plot with the five-of-golds method, with the exception of the use with pasture, which was linear.

Results: The reference soil group (RSG) corresponds to a Ferric Lixisol (Cutanic, Endoloamic, Epiarenic, Humic, Profondic), whose RSG has not been reported for the study area. The quality indicators are within acceptable limits. In soil loss, the pasture has conserved more over time, storing greater volume and weight of soil per hectare; the use with rubber (monoculture) has lost a greater amount of soil from the A horizon, evidenced by the decrease in its depth, volume and weight per hectare.

Limitations on study/implications: Until a few years ago, in the study area within La Sabana in Huimanguillo, Acrisol had been described as the dominant RSG.

Findings/conclusions: The presence of Acrisol in the study area is ruled out. Soil quality for all uses is acceptable.

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