Thysanoptera diversity associated with Mexican lemon (Citrus aurantifolia Christm.)


Francisco Javier Avendaño-Gutiérrez
Salvador Aguirre Paleo
Alejandro Morales Hernández
Venecia Quesadas-Béjar



Objective: To calculate the monthly relative abundance of Thysanoptera species, according to the Margalef, Simpson and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices.

Design / Methodology / Approach: The work was carried out in three geographic units with conventional management, during January-December, 2019 in the Reserva de la Biosfera Zicuirán-Infiernillo (Biosphere Reserve), Michoacán, Mexico. In each unit, 10 trees were selected through simple random sampling. Thrips counts were performed on ten shoots per tree every 15 d, for a total of 7200 shoots in the three geographic units. Thysanoptera individuals were placed in entomological jars. The variables were: number of thrips collected per shoot in sampled tree and geographic unit (orchard). To estimate the specific richness and structure of species, the program "calculation of diversity indices DIVERS" was used.

Results: In the three geographical units studied, the recorded presence of Thysanoptera accounted for 12 to 17 species. For Nueva Italia 12 recorded species, two were permanent (16.66%), five abundant (41.66%), one scarce (8.3%) and four rare (33.33%). In Zicuirán, three species were permanent (17.64%), six abundant (35.29%), two scarce (11.76%) and six rare (35.29%). In Los Hoyos, four species were permanent (26.66%), four abundant (26.66%) and seven rare (46.66%). The abundance of species was represented by the genus Frankliniella and the species Scolothrips sexmaculatus and Scirtothrips citri. The highest species richness and abundance was found from January to May. In October and November, the value of the calculated indices was zero, which shows less richness and abundance of individuals. The best species uniformity was recorded during January and December, which meant a more stable and homogeneous relation.

Study limitations/Implications. Pest resurgence, presence of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. and its vector Diaphorina citri.

Findings / Conclusions: in Nueva Italia, 12 species were taxonomically determined; in Los Hoyos 15, and in Zicuirán 17 species, which are reported for the first time in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. At the geographic unit "Los Hoyos" diversity was higher, uniform and stable.

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