Evaluation of homeopathic treatments for the control of moniliasis in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

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Roberto Oliva-Montejo



Objective: evaluate homeopathic in low and high dilutions in the incidence of Moniliophthora roreri in cocoa plants.

Design/methodology/approach: Complete random blocks in plantation, three repetitions and six treatments: Agronosode 12C and 200C, Polypharmaceutical Cocoa 12C and 200C, Water Control and Absolute Control, with applications every 15 days. Variables: number of flowers, number of healthy and diseased chiillos, number of healthy and diseased ears, weight of ripe cob, weight of fresh grain and color of leaves.

Results: number of flowers presented significant difference with Polypharmaceutical Cacao 200C in November-December 2018. The leaf color variable presented a significant difference with Polypharmaceutical Cacao 200C during October 2018-January 2019 and with Polypharmaceutical Cacao 12C in October 2018. No significant difference was found in treatments for number of healthy and diseased chiillos, number of healthy and diseased ears, weight of ripe cob and weight of fresh grain.

Limitations on study/implications: Short period of application of treatments. Applications are suggested for one year prior to the evaluation, to obtain more convincing results.

Findings/conclusions: Polifármaco Cacao 200C had a positive effect on the number of flowers during the period in which flowering decreased due to environmental conditions and on leaf greenness during four consecutive months of evaluation. Polydrug Cocoa 12C showed a significant difference for this last variable only in October 2018. This suggests a better response of the cocoa plant with the low-dose homeopathic and high centesimal potency, in an acute disease such as moniliasis.


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