Early weaning and productive response affter weaning of calves fed starter in the tropics DESTETE PRECOZ EN BECERROS

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José de Jesús Maldonado-Méndez
Alejandro Ley de Coss
Pablo López-Gómez
Oziel Dante Montañez-Valdez



Objective: To evaluate the effect of starter feed consumption on the post-weaning productive response of calves of the dual-purpose system.

Design/methodology/approach: Ten calves with an average live weight at birth of 34.5 ± 4.8 kg were distributed in two treatments: CM = calves fed milk + Taiwan grass (Pennisetum purpureum) weaned at seven months of age; CMS = calves fed milk + Taiwan grass + starter feed, weaned at 90 days. A completely randomized design with five repetitions per treatment was used, the experimental phase was made from birth to one year of age. Starter feed intake, live weight (LW), daily weight gain, (DWG), rump height (RH), withers (W), length (L) and thoracic perimeter (TP) were evaluated in the periods of one to three months old, four to seven and eight to 12.

Results: The consumption of starter feed from one to three months was 482.33 g calf-1 d-1 and from four to seven months 1895.0 g calf-1 d-1; the LW, RH, W, L and TP at seven and 12 months was greater in CMS (P <0.05), the DWG was greater in CMS (P <0.05) in the period of four to seven months.

Study limitations/implications: Milk consumption was not measured, it could affect DWG in the period of one to three months.

Findings/Conclusions: Starter feed consumption allowed calves to be weaned at three months of age with the highest response in LW and zoom measurements at seven and 12 months.

Key words: Beef cattle, ruminal development, zoom measurements.

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