Lime yield (Citrus x latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez) and fruit quality in winter season from orchards mainteined with different soil moisture tension

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Benigno Rivera-Hernández
René Garruña-Hernández
Felipe Santamaría Basulto
José L. Andrade-Torres
Eugenio Carrillo-Ávila
Rubén H. Andueza-Noh


Citrus latifolia, Brix, flavor, texture, color.


Objective: to evaluate the effect of three soil moisture tension (SMT) on  lime yield and fruit quality in winter season.

Design/methodology/approach: Effect of three  SMT (-10kPa, -35kPa and -85kPa) was studied. The variables evaluated were yield and quality attributes (size and color), taste (total soluble solids, titrated acidity and Brix/acidity ratio) and texture (fruit firmness and juice content).

Results: Yield and percentage of large fruits decrease as the SMT increases. No significant statistical difference was found between SMT of -10kPa and -35kPa in color variables, juice percentage, firmness and TSS, but were statistically different from the values found at -85kPa of SMT.

Limitations of study/implications: Although treatments that improve production and fruit quality were found, more studies are required to better understand the floral induction process in the winter season, as well as study the effect of SMT levels on the phenological stage of flowering.

Findings/conclusions: Results show that the highest production was achieved with the SMT of -10 kPa. Fruit yield decreased as SMT increased. Color, size, firmness and juice content of the fruit improved by reducing SMT.

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