Diagnosis about rhizospheric bacteria associated with the cultivation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

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Leandro M. Hernández-Gómez
Sergio Salgado-García
Juan F. Gómez-Leyva
Samuel Córdova-Sánchez
Ana G. Ramírez-May
Emilio M. Aranda-Ibañez
Carlos F. Ortiz-García


BNF, Phosphorus Solubility, rhizospheric, PGRR


Objective: Characterize the presence of rhizobacteria associated with three varieties of sugar cane: 9640 ATMEX, MEX 69-290 and the MEX SFC 9546, cultivated in the area of supplying the Pdte. Benito Juarez sugar mills (PBJ).

Desing/methodology/approach: Three sites were selected for sampling by variety where soil samples were collected from 0 to 30 cm depth. For the isolation of the bacteria are followed by the serial dilution technique by viable.

Results:The rhizosphere of the variety ATMEX-9640 presented the greatest number of CFU g-1. Ten of the 26 strains demonstrated capabilities of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) or solubizacion of phosphorus (SP). Eight of them carried FBN already that degrade the malic acid in the NFb. Five are considered within the group of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (BSP), because they solubilize the calcium phosphate of Pikovskaya medium.

Limitations on study/implications: It was not possible to determine the production of AIA in the strains that grew in the Soya Tripticasa Broth medium.

Findings/conclusions: The molecular identification revealed that these bacteria belong to the group of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) belonging Microbacterium, Bacillus y Paenibacillus genera present in the soil Cambisol Fluvic Éutric of the PBJ sugar mills.

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