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A. De J. Cortés-Sánchez


LAB, fish, bioconservation, processing, food safety.


Objective: The aim of this work was to present general information regarding foodborne diseases (FDs) and bio-preservation processes with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and their metabolites as alternative to increase the shelf life, safety, sensory and nutritional properties of foods, focusing on products such as fish.

Methodology: For the development of this document, a search and analysis of pertinent information was carried out in different scientific and academic databases such as Scielo, Scopus, Latindex, Redalyc, Google Scholar, among others.

Results: In recent years, the trend towards consumption of natural foods, free of chemicals and minimally processed, has developed. For these purposes, the role of LAB in the generation, conservation, and safety of foods through their growth and production of bioactive metabolites has been demonstrated.

Implications: Bioconservation of foods by LAB and / or their metabolites is still under study and requires more research on stability and effectiveness in different food production processes; its use should be complemented and does not substitute hygiene procedures in food processing.

Conclusions: FDs are a relevant issue in public health around the world due to their incidence and mortality. Fish is considered to be a nutritious and perishable food with easy contamination and deterioration in the food chain, becoming a potential risk to consumer health. In view of this, LAB emerge as representatives in the production and bio-preservation of foods, contributing to sensory, nutritional and safety properties.

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