Agricultural drought in the context of climate change: a bibliometric analysis


Martha Beatriz Cuéllar Lugo
Arturo Pérez Vázquez
Gustavo López Romero


Drought monitor, extreme events, water resources.


Objective: To perform a systematic review of the scientific studies carried out about agricultural drought in the context of climate change reported in the last ten years.

Design/methodology/approach: The study was based on the bibliographic review of the referential database Scopus® using the concepts “agricultural drought”, “vulnerability” and “climate change”.

Results: In the last ten years (2014-2022) the United States, China and United Kingdom stood out in publications on the topic, which are focused on Environmental sciences (33%), Agricultural sciences (22%), Earth sciences (13%), and Social sciences (12%).

Findings/conclusions: The studies published are isolated and there is no conection between the large topics of drought, climate change and vulnerability, thus detecting an area of opportunity to carry out research that unifies these topics.

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