Forage accumulation, morphological composition and height of Panicum maximum cv. tanzania with organic and chemical fertilization


Nelson Erik López-Zerón
Claudia Yanet Wilson-García
Paulino Sánchez-Santillán
María de los Ángeles Maldonado-Peralta
Adelaido Rafael Rojas-García
Karla Mariany Hernández-Muñoz
Marco Antonio Juárez-Hilario


Urochloa maxima, Megathyrsus maxima, compost, vermicompost, leachate


Objective: To evaluate the dry matter accumulation, morphological composition and height in the Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania grass in order to determine the optimal cutting point under four fertilization schemes.

Methodology: Tanzania grass was evaluated with fertilizations: T1) chemical (120-60-00 NPK), T2) vermicompost (10 t ha-1), T3) compost (10 t ha-1), and T4) compost + leachate. Cuts were made every 14 days where dry matter (DM), morphological composition and height were measured. A randomized complete block design was used, with an arrangement of measures repeated over time.

Results: The maximum accumulation of DM in the T1, T2 and T3 treatments was at 80 days after cutting, the maximum height was with T1 at 80 days after cutting with 206.2 cm. Fertilization with biological products such as vermicompost, compost+leachate and compost presented a higher proportion and conservation of leaves over time.

Study Limitations/Implications: Grasslands are not seen as a crop so in most cases they are not fertilized; when they are, it is done with chemical fertilization so there is little information about organic fertilization in tropical fodders.

Conclusions: The optimal cutting point is from 50 DAC for chemical treatment, compost+leachate and vermicompost. Fertilization with vermicompost or compost+leachate can be an inexpensive and affordable option for producers to fertilize their meadows.

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