Effect of the larval density and food ratio on Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) zoea Larval density and food ration on shrimp zoea


Diana Judith López Peraza
José Francisco Bermudes Lizárraga
Juan Manuel Flores Alarcón
Mario Nieves Soto


Chaetoceros muelleri, development, growth, shrimp, survival


Objective: To analyze the combined effect of food and larval density in order to determine the combination which the best results of the development, growth and survival of the Litopenaeus vannamei zoea are obtained. Desing/methodology/approach: The experiment consists of evaluating 16 treatments resulting from the combination of four larval densities: 100, 200, 300 and 400 larvae∙L-1 and four densities of C. muelleri as food, adjusting the rations in each of the three phases of the larval development.

Results: The highest values of the development index (3.7), growth in terms of total length (2.86±0.09 mm) and dry (62.13±10.41 µg larvae-1) and organic weight (50.83±7.51 µg larvae-1), as well as the survival (88.30±9.10%) at the end of the experiment were obtained in treatment 3, which consisted of an intermediate larval density (300 larvae L-1) and low food concentration. Study limitation/implications: For a distintic species of microalga as food, it will be required to evalue the density to use.

Conclusions. In order to optimize the performance of shrimp larval cultivation, the use of a density of 300 larvae L-1 and rations of 50 to 80×103 cel∙mL-1 of C. muelleri are recommended for future experimental cultivation of L. vannamei zoea.

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