BACKYARD POULTRY FARMING IN MEXICO: History and characterization

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J.M. Cuca-García


backyard poultry, Creole chickens, native turkeys, rural development.


Backyard poultry farming is an important activity in rural zones of Mexico, since it is performed in household backyards with the use of birds such as Creole chicken (Gallus gallus L.) and turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo L.), mostly; however, very little is known about this production system because of the lack of registries related with productive indicators, since it is classified as an activity for support of the family economy that is carried out primarily by housewives, children and elderly people. This review has the purpose of understanding the history and brief characterization of the backyard poultry production system in Mexico, which could contribute importantly to food security as a result of obtaining products of low cost and high nutritional quality, in addition to serving as a model in the development of new organic poultry production techniques.

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