The Seeds of the Mexican Countryside

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Edgardo Bautista-Ramírez
Rosalinda González-Santos



Objective: The objective of this work is to make an analysis of the types of seeds use by Mexican farmers and their relationship with Local Seed Systems (SLS) and Formal Seed Systems (SFS).

Design/methodology/approach: The work consisted of a bibliographic review about the types of seeds available for the Mexican countryside and their seed systems. In addition, to identify some priorities and strategies for its strengthening.

Results: In Mexico, derived from its climatic, edaphic, geophysical heterogeneity, cultural social and economic diversity. It has caused both landraces and improved seed to coexist in the SLS and SFS. However, there is a predominance in the use of landraces in SLS of 70 to 80 %. Therefore, it is considered a priority to conserve traditional selection, management, conservation and use practices that have caused the wide inter- and intraspecific diversity of landraces. However, more research needs to be carried out and its legal framework strengthened. In the case of improved seeds located mainly in SFS, it is considered to promote their use in vegetables and the ornamental sector.

Limitations on study/implications: The work developed could be complemented with the participation and interviews of decision makers in seed policies in Mexico and the review of processed in other countries.

Findings/conclusions: In Mexico the use of native and improved seeds coexists. To satisfy the demand for food, all types of seeds are important and both the SLS and the SFS but differentiated public policies are required for their attention and the definition of a specific legal framework for landraces.

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